Religion — A timeline of factionalism
I. Solar astrology/mythology; Late Stone Age modern homo sapiens mystify the closest star to earth calling it the sun (The Age of Leo, c. 10,006 BC — 8006 BC). Most human cultures consider sunlight, the unit of solar time, to be day/ilanga. The day or Sunday is celebrated universally as the day of the sun — isonto/sondag/zondag/søndag/Sunnandæg/. Most human cultures develop storytelling/oral mythology about Creation Theory running around the theme of a supreme and unseen cosmic character, The Creator, that is speculated to have made all and sundry beginning with sunlight. Alleged to be male, Sun Gods mark a beginning of patriarchy. The archetype of the Age of Leo is Adam of Hebrew mythology who is reputed to be their first human.
Leo as a masculine and fire star sign also indicates storytelling sitting around fire in the night sky. Our Batwa and Bantu people of south central Africa consider ourselves to be children of the sky/heavens/Zulu.*
II. Moon astrology/mythology; As the cultures reel from the floods, Sun God worship is abandoned in favor of mystification of the earth’s colony, the moon (The Age of Cancer, c. 8006 BC — c. 6006 BC). Monday is celebrated universally as the day of the moon because human intelligence is attributed to the Great Mother (Mitochondrial Eve — mt-Eve; mt-MRCA) who gives birth in East Africa. The archetype of the Age of Cancer is Eve of Hebrew mythology who is alleged to be their second human (not be confused with mt-Eve/mt-MRCA).
Cancer as a feminine and water star sign also indicates improved pastoralism by the settling down of nomadic people.
Our Bantu people consider Monday to be the day of unravelling / sombuluka/vula. Mystic human healers/diviners are literally called moons/moon people/people with moon ability. Women on time of the month are said to be under the influence of the moon. The month is developed and is also called a moon. The Ages are also called moons. Women of Southern Africa are the world’s first mathematicians based on ancient marked Ubombo bone (sometimes, Lebombo/Lubombo) indicating a lunar calendar of menstrual cycles.
III. Ubuntu/Karmic mythology; Our Bantu people consider Tuesday to be the second day. The number 2 represents two hands holding each other and are thought to be twins (The Age of Gemini, c. 6006 BC — c. 4006 BC). Bantu people did not believe in twins and instead the two hands represented a person’s hands washing each other/izandla ziyagezana, and subsequently the development of mutual trade of agricultural produce and communication which are elements of Gemini. The Bantu believe in the equality of all humans.
Gemini as a masculine and air sign also indicates the development of cave rock painting by our Batwa as art, and much later, cuneiform scribbling in Sumeria, Mesopotamia and hieroglyphs in Egypt. The archetypes of the Age of Gemini are Cain and Abel of Hebrew mythology symbolising the duality of good and bad. Our Bantu develop Ubuntu/karma as principle and standard of human conduct/ikhotha eyikhothayo. Sacrifice/offering of produce is practiced.
IV. Bull mythology; Mystification of the domesticated cow animal leads to a rise in bull worship cultures (The Age of Taurus, c. 4006 BC — c. 2006 BC). The world’s oldest documented religion (oldest documented), Hinduism, develops in the Indus Civilisation Valley at the birth of Krishna (c. 3200 BC) who is reputed to be the 8th reincarnation of their cosmic god Vishnu. Imhotep of Egypt is considered the high priest of their sun god Ra (c. 2650 BC).
The archetype of Taurus, Abram of Hebrew mythology, allegedly enters into covenant with what would become the world’s most popular god after a lifetime of fertility challenges (c. 2000 BC). Ordaining himself Abraham, he is father to first-born Ishmael via an Egyptian slave maid the family kept. Abraham circumcises himself and Ishmael. Second son Isaac by his half-sister wife is considered a miracle and is circumcised as inspired by the Egyptian culture which had long been Batwa and Bantu culture. Jacob, son of Isaac, is ordained Israel, father of their 12 tribes in recognition of his father surviving his grandfather’s knife allegedly as a test of faith by their god and therefore stripping paternal relative Canaan of the land the same god allegedly gave him as alleged fulfillment of a bizarre drunken curse (of Ham) from years ago. Ishmael — like the rest of Abraham’s suddenly illegitimate sons — and his mother are disgruntled by the voices in Abraham’s head, and are banished “east of Eden” to lay claim over his Arab maternity establishing his own 12 tribes, the Ishmaelite’s, in Mecca and changes his name to Isma’il.
Taurus as a feminine and earth star sign also indicates that worship is deemed uncultured by the Bantu and the bull is instead considered a means of royalty, wealth and stock exchange/ubuhle bendoda zinkomo zakhe. The classical elements fire, water, air, and earth, the 4, are regarded to be life giving and astrological. They call Wednesday the third day in honor of the women mathematicians and their accuracy regarding fertility. The number 3 is a numerological magic mother number, and the third day is declared a rest day from agricultural activity/ukuzila.
Most cultures revere the number 12 as it is a composite numeral. Greek, Roman, Germanic and Hindu beliefs also have 12 theories of dying-and-rising gods, thwasa. Bantu people consider our dead to be guardian ancestors that can be communicated with “from the other side” for healing when they temporarily rise through human moons.
V. Monotheism; Our New Bantu of central Africa begin pastoral migrations south (2000–1500 BC) where they encounter the rock-painting, hunter-gatherer, and bush-living Old Bantu, the Batwa/Bathwa who are considered the oldest kind of humans.
The polytheistic societies shift from multiple gods. The long speculated Creator of Light is billed to be He, God by Moses (d. 1250 BC) of Hebrew mythology, the archetype of the Age of Aries (c. 2006 BC — c. 6 BC) who orders a genocide of his people whom he found worshiping a golden bull. The surviving people are given 10 Commandments allegedly from Him, God. The broken in two “stone from God” as a result of being smashed to the ground by angry Moses and the genocide indicates that Moses, like a typical sociopath, is far from telling the truth about the author of the stone, let alone him subscribing to the 6th Commandment which he literally had just come down with from the mountains, himself! He authors the Torah as based from oral Hebrew mythology he secretly used to follow as a result of growing up a bastardised member of literate Egyptian royalty. Non-Abrahamic faiths are deemed to be paganism.
Aries as a masculine and fire star sign indicates wars and empires, most notably the mythic Trojan War (1194–1184 BC). The I Ching/Classic of Changes is published chronicling Chinese mythology and the Yin-Yang Symbol emerges (600 BC). The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (c. 500 BC) is completed posthumously on behalf of Moses. Buddha (d. 483/400 BC) splits from Hinduism and forms Buddhism. Confucius (d. 479 BC) of China popularizes the Ubuntu/karmic theory Yenza Kahle, Do not do to others, the Golden Rule. The golden verses of Pythagoras the mathematician (d. 495 BC), circulate orally. Prominent atheist Democritus (d. 370 BC), whose name would later inspire republics meaning “chosen of the people,” proposes the 1st Atomic Theory.
Alexander the Great Greek (d. 323 BC), conquers the near east and parts of Asia inspiring the Roman Empire to later emerge amidst various political splits in Judaism and a subsequent Roman colonisation of Judea.
VI. Church; As Judaism continues to be factional, the Sena, a group of Semitic diaspora in Yemen migrate with the alleged “voice of God,” the golden Ark of the Covenant created by Moses to Ophir, a speculated “place of gold” that would become Zimbabwe (arrived c. 4–5 AD). Young Jesus of Nazareth (d. 30–33 AD), the archetype of the Age of Pisces (c. 6 BC — c. 1994 AD), temporarily splits from parental supervision by preaching at the Jewish temple claiming to be their highly anticipated alleged cosmic Son of God of Hebrew mythology sent to earth in human form through a divine-indentured, married-yet-virgin woman to somehow die for the very God’s own created people. He convinces 12 grown men to follow him around Judea abandoning their families and careers calling himself Jesus the Christ, “king of the Jews” sitting on top of an actual donkey with a palm parade by excited villagers much to the amusement of the Romans and Jewish clerics who promptly execute him for the apostasy of splitting off from state and church.
Simon-Peter, the favorite of the 12 recruits, is ordained Saint Peter, Bishop of Jesus the Christ as exiled religious refugees after fleeing to Rome (d. 64 AD). Jesus is promoted as having survived the death, an illegal resurrection in Roman legal terms, and is proclaimed eternal messiah. Several males then and up to date claim to be messiahs and martyrs of the same God. Popular atheist Saul of Tarsus re-brands as Paul the Apostle Evangelist and writes a letter — a very beautiful letter about faith and substance — to the Hebrew attempting to convince them that Jesus the Christ was the speculated Son of God. Up to date the Hebrew are just not buying that “accept Jesus-of-Nazareth-born-in-a-manger as personal Lord and saviour” storyline. Perhaps Paul should have written 12 letters instead of 13? Romans abandon paganism and declare Catholic Christianity to be a state religion of the empire (AD 380). The “year of our Lord,” Anno Domini, is developed (AD 525) into the calendar to mark the years after the birth of Jesus.
Pisces as a feminine, water and most importantly infinine star sign, represents division, greed and hubris. From Justin Bieber to Robert Mugabe (d. 2019) to Osama bin Laden (d. 2011), males born February 19 — March 20 think they are the sperm of that God.
Muhammad of Mecca becomes the last prophet of Islam (d. 632 AD) after organising hundreds of Tribes in Arabia into a single Arab-Muslim polity of Ishmaelites. His family splits with two prominent factions, Sunni and Shia, soon after his death without a male heir. The Roman Catholic Church in the west and the Orthodox Catholic Church in the east are already split since establishment despite both venerating martyrs Jesus and Peter leading to a formal split a thousand years later (1054). The Church of England/Anglican (1534) splits from Rome joining the Moravian Church of Bohemia (1457), as one of the first protestant churches. Martin Luther also splits from Rome creating Lutheranism (1521) and translates Hebrew mythology into German marking a key moment in western literature (1534). The Church of Scotland/Presbyterian (1560) and the Dutch Reformed Church (1571) split from Rome as well. Not to be outdone in the new Union of Crowns, James VI & I with speculated help from William Shakespeare among others who had impressive Early New English diction for The Ages, translates Hebrew mythology into what would become a megalith: the world’s all-time best-selling scribbling’s, Hebrew Literature in English (1611) popularly known as The Bible, which billions of humans believe to be the “actual Words of God”. Regrettably for the said humans, no first edition exists.
Protestant-protestant churches, Baptist (1609) with ships of kidnapped Africans into America, and Methodist (1736) split from the Church of England. The “Great Awakening” by the enslaving Christians, a first of four “awakenings”, causes African Americans to drop African Traditional Religions en mass and start accepting Jesus and pastoral roles. Later, they split off Baptism/Methodism to form protestant-protestant-protestant African Methodist Episcopal Church/AME (1760) and the AME Zion/AMEZ (1800).
Angry Joseph Smith splits from the Methodist to form the Mormon Church after publishing the Americanised Bible (1830) barring African Americans from becoming priests citing the erstwhile drunken Ham curse from Hebrew mythology. The Advent Church splits from the Baptist (1860) and the Seventh-Day Adventist Church also splits off (1863). The Salvation Army splits from the Methodist (1865). Convinced by journalists running a prank that Christ had “returned invisibly,” Charles Taze Russell splits from the Church of Scotland and later Adventism, to form Jehovah’s Witness/Watch Tower/Bible Students (1870s).
To counter white supremacy, Hebrew mythology-based Black American-initiated churches develop — Black Hebrews/Black Hebrew Israelite’s (1886; 1896), and Nation of Islam (1930) where Malcolm changes surname to X form. Inspired by formerly enslaved Methodist preacher Amanda Berry Smith, Pentecostal churches emerge in America splitting from the Baptist around the motif of the alleged second coming in 2000 AD (clearly did not occur) and fervent “speaking in tongues” into the mega Black American coalition, Church of God in Christ/COGIC (1897).
Likewise, African-initiated churches develop — Church of Nazareth (1910) by Isaiah Shembe (South Africa); Zionist Christian Church (1910) by Engenas Lekganyane (South Africa); African Apostolic Church (1932) by John/Johane Marange (Zimbabwe); Gospel of God Church (1932) by John/Johane Masowe (Zimbabwe) all being inspired by the American Christian Catholic Apostolic Church (1896) which had toured Southern Africa following the pleasant discovery of diamonds (1871) and gold (1886). The “black Jesus,” “back to Africa,” weed-smoking and unorganized Rastafari movement of Jamaica deifies Haile Selassie of Ethiopia as the second coming (1930) in recognition of Tewahedo by St. Frumentius, Bishop of Jesus the Christ in Axum, the oldest African-initiated church by state decree (AD 333), and Ethiopia being an African state that “never got colonised”.
Isaac Newton harnesses ancient Ubuntu/karmic mythology into the scientific 3 Laws of Motion (1666)/okwenza uDube, uKhumalo kuyamenza. Albert Einstein proposes the Relativity Theory (1915). Georges Lemaître, a Belgian Catholic priest and astrophysicist proposes the “Big Bang” atomic theory (1927). Ubuntu-themed Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)/ongafuniyo kayekele is published as the industrialised United Nations reel from slave trade, colonialism, and World War (1914–1918; 1939–1945) with John Paul II calls it “one of the highest expressions of human consciousness” (1995).
Ubuntu, Indaba and Zulu (UTC or GMT time/prime meridian/0° [zero degrees]) are the three most popular African-language words and philosophies exported into English.
VII. Science; The Age of Aquarius is upon us (c. 1994 AD — Unknown). The people become less interested in myth and more about fact. The church, stuck on its old ways, loses influence.
After millennia unknown and ignored in Bulawayo archive, the alleged replica of Ark of the Covenant is exhibited in Zimbabwe (2010). The Ethiopian Tewahedo maintains claim that the original alleged Ark of the Covenant, with the broken Tablet of Stone upon which the Ten Commandments are inscribed is in their possession, never shown to the public and only seen by a sole guardian high priest.
Aquarius as a masculine and air star sign is a no-nonsense figure that is characterized by astronomy and all things space. It also represents increased influence of the entertainment industry with Oprah impressively being a New Age archetype of Aquarius. We don’t call celebrities stars for nothing! The Age of Aquarius sets the tone for a women’s revival and dominance for the next 12, 930 years of cleaning up or cleansing of self and planet after a chaotic male dominated past 12,930 years. Mary, the Virgin of Nazareth (Old Age) and Beyoncé (New Age) have effectively set the archetypes for the Age of Virgo, which will be the last age before the Age of Leo, like an hour glass of The Ages flipped, returns, again.
No, there is no “second coming” of any nature whatsoever. There isn’t a first one or creation to begin with — “suffer” little children.
Sonny Jermain, a Virgo, is a verbalist (verb-a-list: one who heals people with words) and a Mutwa-Bantu custodian. He is author of I Deserve to Be: Self-worth Is a Silent Killer.
*Further reading about the children of the sky/heavens/Zulu.